Glenn R. Masterson Memorial Trophy

Glenn R. Masterson Memorial Trophy

Initiated by the Canadian Sport Parachuting Association in March of 1979, this trophy is to honour the memory of Glenn R. Masterson who was a pioneer in the sport of parachuting.

This prestigious trophy is awarded to the individual(s) who have performed heroic action(s) or for contributing to the advancement of our sport.

2024 - Victor Borghese

He first joined CSPA in 1963. He started his first dropzone in 1964-1965. Aircraft were not easy to rent so he bought his first Cessna 182, LUQ in 1965. When he had difficulty finding a pilot, he got his pilot’s license in 1966-1967. He has a CSPA D license - # D-52. Canopy Crest Solo # 69.

He and his wife, Audrey, made the Canadian Style and Accuracy team attending the 1968 WPC in Graz, Australia.  They were the first husband and wife to compete at a WPC.  During this time in the sport, he had qualified for two more WPC events. He declined to go but did attend, along with his son and daughter, the Europa Cup in Zadar, Yugoslavia on the Canadian S&A team in 1987.

He had various locations for his dropzone prior to moving to Simcoe, Ontario in 1972. That same year, he attended the WPC in Tulsa, Oklahoma as a spectator and brought home a Paraplane – one of the first squares in Canada. He retired as a DZO in 2002 and his last jump was on August 21, 2017 at the age of 84 years old.

He trained and coached many skydivers, some of which went on to become National and World Champions as well as Canadian Record holders. In 1976, Craig Winning, Cathy Cox and Angie Hale were in his first jump class. Craig and Cathy both stated that the Canadian team – Para Commanders flying at the dropzone and his fervent desire toward competition, were an inspiration for them. Cathy won gold and Craig won silver at the 1980 WPC in individual accuracy.

At one point during the 80’s and 90’s, many Canadian team members were from his dropzone. Past and present record holders have been Craig Winning, Cathy Cox, Scott Borghese, Victoria Borghese, Tish Frayn, Dave Kidd, James Hendry and Krista Rapedius.

In 1976, he purchased and flew a Beechcraft 18 at Simcoe which brought jumpers to train in a 10 Way Speed Stars and large Canopy Relative Work Stacks. Many crew jumps were performed over Simcoe, including one of the 1st 8 stacks in Canada. He purchased a parapad and ground-to-air video system in 1982. These systems were often transported and used at the Canadian Nationals. His DZ became a major training facility for Style & Accuracy, 4-Way Relative work and Crew. Over the decades, he supported and mentored many teams in disciplines outside of his own, by serving as a source of enthusiasm and calm, rational application of coaching. He was often referred to as the epitome of the “benevolent dictator”, encouraging the sport all the while.

In 2009, he was inducted into the Norfolk County’s Sports Hall of Recognition, joining other recipients such as Red Kelly, Rob Blake, Chic Maki, Rich Wamsley and more.

2023 - Robert (Bob) Wright

We respectfully nominate Robert (Bob) Wright, posthumously, for The Glenn R. Masterson Award. It is with sadness that we did not submit this application while he was alive but he was taken from us suddenly.

Bob was a true titan in this sport who, on many levels contributed to the advancement of this sport. He was respected by many, locally, provincially, nationally and internationally. During his 53 years as a CSPA member, with over 15,000 jumps, he held almost every rating possible and is one of the few to hold an ‘E’ license. Bob was awarded the CSPA Service Award (now the Cathy Johnson Service Award) in 1982. He contributed to the sport he dedicated his life to on multiple levels including:

  • He served on the Technical, Training & Safety Committee
  • He was a founding member of the Transport Canada Committee (now the Government Regulation Committee) when the C.A.R.S. were first introduced
  • He was a driving force in the progression of the use of ram-air parachutes for students and was one of the first to do so in Canada
  • He was a pioneer in the sport being the first in Canada to offer first jump PFF
  • He trained a number of Europeans who travelled to his DZ to complete the PFF program and obtain a CSPA “A” license so that upon returning home they could enjoy FF sooner than if they had followed their country’s progression
  • Bob was a volunteer Instructor Course Administrator (ICA), a Skydiving School Examiner and a contributor to CanPara
  • In addition to being an ICA, he hosted many CSPA Coach, Instructor and Rigger courses for jumpers from his and other DZs
  • He promoted competition by hosting a fun annual accuracy meet and by hosting the Nationals in 1990.The team Cold n’ Ice held a training camp at Bob’s that year.This team set a Canadian record in 4-way sequential at the world meet in 1991
  • He was highly respected internationally and was invited to numerous record setting events.He was one of the few to represent Canada at the 400-way record set in 2006 in Thailand
  • Over the decades Bob participated in many demo jumps to promote the sport – jumping for a grade school, fundraising events and onto the beach at Grand Bend, to name a few
  • His DZ had a reputation of excellence and was chosen by some high profile people as the place to do their jump.Melissa Rogers (of the Rogers Communication family) David Peterson (who later became the Premier of ON) and John Baird (later appointed Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs) all jumped at Bob’s
  • Twice a year, for many years, cadets from the Robert Land Academy in Wellandport came to Bob’s to “get their wings”.Cadets are chosen in a highly selective and competitive process for a coveted spot
  • Overall, he positively impacted thousands of lives teaching people to skydive and introducing them to our sport
  • Bob was a Mentor to many jumpers.His DZ produced not only coaches and Instructors but also riggers, QEs, T&SC and CWC committee members, a Sport Parachuting Clubs of Ontario (SPCO) director and a CSPA President who all in turn contributed to the advancement of sport parachuting
  • He took great pride in being a Rigger B and he apprenticed many up and coming Riggers.Bob had built his own container and jumped it for years
  • Another interesting contribution was of a social nature.A number of couples met at this DZ, who in turn had children who later became jumpers themselves and began contributing to the sport

Skydiving was Bob’s life and passion.  He was not only a CSPA member for 53 years, he was a CSPA supporter and promoter.  Bob worked tirelessly to give his time and expertise to shape a continuous development of rating holders.  This helped CSPA have a positive succession.  He contributed to CSPA policy, programs and procedures that furthered the advancement of sport parachuting in Canada. 

Bob Wright’s contributions were all that this award was meant to recognize. We feel he is worthy of receiving CSPA’s highest honour.

2022 - Rina Gallo

This individual has made an outstanding contribution in support of skydiving in Canada. As a volunteer over the past 35 years some of the achievements are as follows:

  • In the 1980' s served as treasurer of the BC Sport Parachute Council and helped to establish the council on the internet.
  • In the early 1990' s enrolled in the CSPA Judge' s Training Course and quickly advanced through Canada' s rigorous progression process and received her first FAI Judge rating in 1995.
  • Over the years she has become rated in most of the skydiving disciplines and has been both event and Chief Judge at both Canadian and US Nationals.
  • She has served for many years on the CSPA Competition and Judging committees.
  • In 2010 she became the first Canadian woman to be a Chief Judge at a World Parachuting Championship.Since 2010 up to the present day she has judged at numerous international competitions in various capacities (Event, Chief, Jury).
  • For many years she has been CSPA' s delegate to the International Skydiving Commission
  • Her international role has expanded over the years to include being Chair of the ISC Canopy Formation Committee and a member of the ISC Judges Committee. As well at one time she was responsible for maintaining the ISC International Judge Database.
  • In 2020 she was elected to the ISC Bureau and holds the title of Vice-President
  • In recognition of her international contribution in 2021 she was awarded the FAI Leonardo Da Vinci Diploma

2021 - Neil McGrath

Started jumping in the mid 60’s and was awarded a Cathy Johnson Service Award in 1999. 

During that 34 year period, his volunteer service included:

  • Club executive
  • CSPA Instructor
  • CSPA Rigger
  • Member of CSPA’s Competition and National Teams Committee
  • Service as both a CSPA and FAI Judge.

In the last 20 years since 1999, he has continued his judging work with yearly attendance at all levels of competition serving as principal, event and chief judge both here in Canada and the US as well as recent International service in Dubai.  He may now be the Canadian Judge who has attended the most Canadian National Competitions these past 40 years or so. As well, he has attended annual Judging seminars and as a Course Conductor, held numerous training courses for new and progressing Judges. 

He is a founding member of the Judging Committee and along with his work with the Competition and National Teams Committee, has been involved in updating and revising CSPA’s competition rules and CSPA’s Judge Rating Program.  As well, he has served on the CSPA Long Term Athlete Development Committee.

Apart from his long service to competitive judging, he has also served at numerous exhibition jumps and Canadian record attempts.  In addition, he is a past drop zone operator and commercial pilot.

50 years of service from the club to the international level is evidence of a steadfast service and a big heart of dedication and it is only appropriate that he be awarded CSPA’s highest service honour.

2020 - Doreen West-Gemmell

Over 35 years of service to our sport is a long time and a lot of dedication. Initial endeavours that helped advance the sport included a Rigger rating and assisting in running a Canadian Parachute Manufacturing Business. As well, being the first Canadian manufacturer to successfully obtain a TSO for a harness/container system.

In the 1980s a career in judging started which continues to this day. As a judge, the highest ratings were obtains and service including judging at countless local, provincial, national and international competitions as well as Indoor Skydiving events. The roles of Chief and Event Judge have been fulfilled numerous times over the decades. In addition, local Judge Training Courses were facilitated.

1990 saw the receipt of the Province of Ontario Special Achievement Award for distinguished contribution to amateur sport. In the early 90s the volunteer role was further expanded with membership on various CSPA committees. Service with the CNTC lasted 10 years, and also service as the CSPA Technical Administration person working with Sport Canada funding requirements and athlete assessments for our senior athletes and National Teams lasted for numerous years. In 1999 a CSPA Cathy Johnson Award was received for dedicated service. But that was not the end of the dedication – service continued for the next 20 years as well.

CSPA’s programs operate under the umbrella of the National Coaching Certification Program of Canada. As a member and past Chair of the Competition Development Committee and current Chair of the Long Term Athlete Development Committee, considerable effort was made in helping develop CSPA’s Competition Coach program as a certification pathway under NCCP guidelines. As well, committee work includes the redesign of the LTAD Flight Plan.

In recent years, service has also included membership on CSPAs Judging Committee. Over the decades, miscellaneous volunteer roles were undertaken including, but not limited to, special judging for National records, volunteer support for National Team delegations and organization assistance on local events.

2017 - Barb Davies

Barb had been volunteering for many years. She started as an instructor and local club administrator. She was a fundraiser for the BC Council volunteering with the BC lotteries for the benefit of Skydiving in BC. In the early 80’s she became a member of the BC Council Executive and held a number of positions over the years including being the President. She helped organize local competitions and was a volunteer at the BC Summer Games. Due to her energy and knowledge she became a member of CSPA’s Competition and National Teams Committee. As well, in 1988 she started her training and became a CSPA rated Judge. In 1998 as a result of her steadfast service, she was awarded a CSPA Service Award. Her judging career has continued with her becoming an FAI rated Judge in multiple disciplines and has represented Canada in international competition as a Judge as well as being both Assistant Meet Director and a member of the FAI Jury at World Championships. As well, she has been a Judge Course Conductor and has introduced numerous fledgling judges to the world of judging over the years. In 2013, due to her initiative and devotion to the sport she loves, she was awarded by the FAI the Paul Tissandier Diploma for her service “to the cause of Aviation in general and Sporting Aviation”. She served as CSPA’s Alternate Delegate to the IPC for numerous years. Previous to becoming the Alternate Delegate she attended numerous IPC Annual Meetings as an observer at significant personal expense. After many years serving on the CNTC she became the Committee Chair. She has now served as the Chair over ten years. In addition she has served CSPA’s National Teams as Head of Delegation to a number of World Championships. She had steadfastly pursued her belief in the importance of competition to the health of our Sport and in doing so has built a strong relationship with our skydiving athletes much to the benefit of CSPA. Her service now spans over 35 years. Her workload is ongoing.

2015 - Mario Prévost


2012 - Joe Ablitt

Approximately 35 years of volunteering for the Sport which includes being a past Director of the Association and a past recipient of a CSPA Service Award. Joe has been a member of the Competition and National Teams committee for a number of decades and served for a number of years as its Chair. He currently serves as the Rating Administrator for CSPA's Judge Rating Program. Joe has carried out extensive work on special projects including the documentation of past Nationals scores and the establishment of CSPA's Role of Honour.


2010 - Howard Sommerfield

40 years of service to the Association and its members. Founder of the Carlton University Skydiving Club. Performed many roles benefiting the Sport including instructing, rigging and coaching. Organizer of the Para-ski World Cup held in Ottawa. Served as a Board of Director and Vice President of the Association. For many years he was a member and served as Chair of the Technical and Safety Committee and oversaw the production and upgrade of the PIMs. As a rigger he was active in educating the membership through seminars and articles in Canpara. He served as a Rigger, Rigger Instructor and Rigger Examiner for many years. He worked with the Coaching Working Committee and was a mentor to many.


2007 - Tom Pfeifer

Extensive service to the sport which included being a long-time CWC Chair and committee member responsible for extensive work on the coaching and CoP systems. His volunteer role included extensive coaching and master course conductor work. Apart from being an active instructor he is also a competitor, past National meet Director and jump pilot.


2005 - Richard Bennett

40 plus years of service at the local, provincial, national and international level. Service included: CSPA Director and VP; Head of Delegation for our National Teams; longstanding Treasurer of the BCSPC; CNTC Chair for 20 years; Nat. Meet Director; Int. Judge and WPC Chief Judge; Int. Meet Organizer; member IPC sub-committees and Secretary of the IPC. CSPA IPC Delegate; Recipient of CSPA Service award, Paul Tissandier Diploma; etc.


2004 - Barry McAuley

30 plus years of service at the local, provincial, national and international level. Service included: Chair and Newsletter editor for the BCSPC; Rigger Examiner and Chair of the CSPA TSC; COP processor; IPC Judge including over 30 appearances as Event and Chief Judge at WPC'c and member of numerous IPC sub-committees; CSPA alternate IPC Delegate; Recipient of CSPA Service award, IPC Paul Tissandier Diploma and IOC Diploma etc.


2003 - Tony Mercer

25 plus years of service to the CSPA including being an instructor, Course Conductor and Master Course Conductor. Served on the CWC since its inception and was instrumental in the preparation and writing of numerous training and coach manuals. Volunteered as Head of Delegation for numerous WPC's and helped in organizational matters for the Teams.


2000 - Duncan Grant

SPCO Executive, Instructor, Rigger, Course Conductor, TTSC Coordinator; CSPA Technical Director; coordinated through the Coaching Committee the development of CSPA's coaching programs under the Coaching Association of Canada's National Coaching Certification Program.


1999 - St. Catherine's Parachute Club

Birthplace of sport parachuting in Canada. Oldest Club in CSPA.


1998 - Francois Chevrier

Inventor of the FXC Automatic Opening Device. The system, when introduced, was a significant advance in AOD technology which saved numerous lives.


1992 - Kelvin Brundrett

Awarded posthumously to Kelvin Brundrett for heroic action in an unsuccessful attempt to save the lives of two fellow skydivers when they suffered what proved to be a fatal tandem malfunction.


1985 - Horst Pfaus

Instructor, Rigger and Course Conductor; Jump pilot; Nationals Meet Director; Canpara contributor; Area Safety Coordinator; Safety Seminar Conductor; Chair of the T&S Committee


1979 - Kathy Fox

Long term Director and 1st female President; avid supporter of the advancement of CSPA's relations with Ministry of Transport; Chair of Long Term Planning Committee; National Competition Official; Area Safety Officer; Instructor Examiner, Rigger; instrumental in the affiliation of the FPQ with CSPA and CSPA's inclusion in the National Centre for Sport and Recreation.