AIM Reports

AIM Reports

Following an occurrence, it is strongly recommended to submit an Accident, Incident or Malfunction (AIM) report to CSPA’s National Office. The CSPA Registered Participant involved, CSPA Coach, Instructors, Riggers, or other qualified personnel should submit the report directly to CSPA National Office. We strongly recommend the DZ retain a copy of any DZ-submitted AIMs for their records. The information gathered from AIM reports will included recommendations and published on our Safety Management System.

In the event of an accident, injury, fatality or 3rd party loss, CSPA requires immediate notification and AIM reports must be filed within ten (10) working days of the occurrence.

Should you wish to fill out a PDF or a paper copy, please use the attachment below.

All reports are considered confidential when received.

If you wish to submit your AIM report online, please note that it must be completed in one sitting and requires the following people to be present:

  • Person submitting the report
  • Person that invesitgated 
  • DZ Safety Officer