Ratings Currency and Revalidation
Coaches and Instructors, you can find the annual revalidation form for ratings at the bottom of this page!
Coaches and instructors are required to maintain certain levels of currency in their ratings.
The program adds a simple level of responsibility that helps protect not only our participants, but the general public who may be coming to a DZ near you to learn the sport of skydiving.
Maintaining Multiple Ratings
Many ratings have significant crossover in the skills required, so that maintaining a more senior rating effectively maintains other ratings, as specified below for each rating.
Once certified, ratings may be kept current selectively. For example, an SSI rating can be kept current even if a Coach 1 rating is not current. For additional guidance please contact a Learning Facilitator or the CWC.
- Maintaining Coach 2 Currency will also Maintain Coach 1 currency
- JM and JMR currency maintains Coach 1 currency.
- SSI currency maintains Coach 1 currency if 25 jumps are also made.
- Maintaining PFF Currency will also maintain both Coach 2 & Coach 1 currency and Jump Master Restricted currency.
COACH 1 (C1)
- Annual - After certifying your C1 rating, each year you must perform:
- 10 coach 1 coaching contacts, in air or on ground.
- 25 skydives
- Revalidation requirement up to 5 years:
- Complete the evaluation jump and form per the Coach 1 Portfolio.
- Complete the revalidation form below.
- Submit the revalidation form to the CSPA office.
- Revalidation requirement after 5 years:
- Complete the final evaluation jump from the C1 course with a C1 Learning Facilitator.
- Pass the C1 written exam.
- Complete the revalidation form below.
- Submit the evaluation form, revalidation form, and exam to the CSPA office.
COACH 2 (C2)
Maintaining Coach 2 maintains Coach 1 currency.
- Annual - After certifying your C2 rating, each year you must
- Perform 10 C2 freefall jumps with a solo, A or B CoP certificate holder. A minimum of five jumps must be with a 1:1 solo or A certificate holder working towards 2-way or group FS endorsements.
- Complete 25 jumps
- Revalidation requirement up to 5 years:
- Complete the evaluation jump and form per the Coach 2 Portfolio with a certified C2.
- Complete the revalidation form below.
- Submit the revalidation form to the CSPA office.
- Revalidation requirement after 5 years:
- Complete the final evaluation jump from the C2 course with a C2 Learning Facilitator.
- Pass the C2 written exam.
- Complete the revalidation form below.
- Submit the evaluation form, revalidation form, and exam to the CSPA office.
COACH 3 (C3)
- Wingsuit
- Coach at least 5 candidates (1:1 or in seminars)
- 25 wingsuit flights in previous 12 months.
- Canopy Piloting
- Coach at least 5 candidates (1:1 or in seminars)
- 25 high performance canopy landings in previous 12 months
- Freefly
- Coach at least 5 candidates (1:1 or in seminars)
- 25 freefly jumps in previous 12 months
JM and JMR currency maintains Coach 1 currency.
- Annual - After certifying your JM rating, each year you must
- Dispatch 10 students, 5 of which must be IAD or S/L
- If JM restricted, dispatch 10 freefall students
- Complete 25 jumps
- Revalidation requirement up to 5 years
- Dispatch two IAD or SL students under direct supervision of certified JM.
- If JM restricted, dispatch 2 freefall students under the direct supervision of a certified JM/PFFI.
- Complete the evaluation jump and form per the JM Portfolio.
- Complete the revalidation form below.
- Submit the evaluation jump and revalidation form to the CSPA office.
- Revalidation requirement after 5 years
- Complete the final evaluation jump from JM course with a JM Learning Facilitator.
- If JM restricted, complete an evaluation dispatch with a JM Learning Facilitator or PFFI Learning Facilitator.
- Pass JM course written exam.
- Complete the revalidation form below.
- Submit the evaluation form, revalidation form, and exam to the CSPA office.
**The JM (Restricted) rating does not allow for the JM to dispatch IAD/SL students. All other privileges of the JM are retained.
- Annual - After certifying your GCI rating, each year you must :
- Conduct ground control for 10 students
- Revalidation requirement up to 5 years
- Conduct 2 ground controls under direct supervision of a certified GCI
- Complete the revalidation form below.
- Submit the revalidation form to the CSPA office.
- Revalidation requirement after 5 years
- Obtain a GCI briefing from a Learning Facilitator
- Complete full GCI portfolio issued by a Learning Facilitator. The pre-requisite training may be modified at the discretion of the LF.
- Submit the competed portfolio to the CSPA office.
SSI currency maintains Coach 1 currency if 25 jumps are also made.
- Annual - After certifying your SSI rating, each year you must
- Teach or co-teach one first jump course, including at least one Emergency Procedures module.
- Revalidation requirement up to 5 years
- Revalidation requirement after 5 years
- Obtain an SSI briefing from an SSI Learning Facilitator.
- Complete full SSI portfolio issued by a SSI Learning Facilitator.
- Submit the competed portfolio to the CSPA office.
- Annual - After certifying your SSE rating, each year you must
- Administer 1 CoP, ratings portfolio, or revalidation form
- Revalidation requirement up to 5 years
- Administer 1 CoP, ratings portfolio, or revalidation form under the direct supervision of a certified SSE
- Submit the revalidation form to the CSPA office.
- Revalidation requirement after 5 years
- Obtain an SSE briefing from a certified SSE.
- Complete the full SSE portfolio issued by a certified SSE.
- Submit the completed portfolio to the CSPA office.
Maintaining PFF Currency will also maintain both Coach 2 & Coach 1 Currency
- Annual - After certifying your PFFI rating, each year you must :
- Perform 10 PFF Jumps
- Complete 50 skydives
- Revalidation requirement up to 5 years
- Complete 10 PFF jumps under the supervision of a certified PFFI, the first 5 must be 2:1.
- Revalidation requirement after 5 years
- Complete 2 evaluation jumps with a certified PFFI CF.
- Pass written exam
- Complete a minimum of 50 jumps a year
- Teach each course the LF is rated for at least once in a 3-year period.
- Teach at least 1 course in each 2-year period.
- Maintaining currency as an LF maintains currency as a SSE
- Note that the CWC's Policy and Procedures manual contains additional details on currency and revalidation.
- Complete a minimum of 50 jumps a year
- 10 of which must have been within 5 metres of a designated target, using a main parachute which meets the wing loading and performance characteristics of the parachute intended for use on any exhibition jumps.