Become a Judge
The CSPA Judging Program
Eventually all skydivers ask the same question. Where do I go from here? Some decide to be competitors, some become coaches or instructors and others become competition and record judges. Like all other aspects of skydiving this program requires dedication and hard work. It is not easy but on completion you can join those who help make competitions fair and equitable.
Where and when to start? For the when, the answer is anytime. You should probably wait until your basic skydiving has been accomplished, but having said that, it is not necessary to be a skydiver to become a rated judge. For the where, just contact CSPA and tell them you want to sign up for the next Level 1 course being offered or contact the Judging Committee for relevant information.
The first step to becoming a judge is to take a Level 1 course. This course is conducted by one or more judges with a National or International rating and gives you the basics in a minimum of four of the disciplines, which are accuracy, style, formation skydiving, canopy formation, artistic events, canopy piloting, and wingsuit flying. Having received a passing mark on a written exam and completing a practical you will be rated as a Provincial judge. This rating allows you to judge at local and provincial competitions. The experience at these competitions and further self study will allow you to progress.
Judging is not for everyone, but for those who are judges, the rewards are many. You can join the ranks of Canadian judges who are considered the best in the world.