Insurance Coverage
Online reprint from CanPara
October-December 2016
Updated 2025
Written by: Michelle Matte-Stotyn
Over the years, I often get many questions about CSPA’s Third Party Liability Insurance coverage. I’m going to Keep It Short & Sweet (KISS)!
FACT: Your $115 affiliation comes with $5 Million of Third Party Insurance coverage. This is stated on the back of your CSPA card.
FACT: This coverage is valid Worldwide.
EXCEPTION # 1: The drop zone you’re jumping with has to be a member of the National Parachute Federation that is a member of the FAI. Example: Most Canadian and US drop zones are members of CSPA or USPA. CSPA and USPA are members of their respective Aero Clubs and thus a member of the FAI. What can you do to make sure you’re covered? When you travel to a new drop zone, confirm that they are affiliated with their National Federation, or another country’s federation that is affiliated to the FAI. These would include, USPA, BPA, APF, NZPF, etc.
EXCEPTION #2: Well, I don’t know that I would call this an exception, but more a given. For the coverage to apply, you MUST follow the rules of the governing country you are in. For example, if you are in the US, you must follow their BSRs. Furthermore; you have to follow the rules in our PIMs with regards to submitting an AIM or notifying us of the potential need for coverage.
There have been instances where jumpers have informed us that drop zones are not accepting their CSPA affiliations. When we are notified of this, we do our best to inform those drop zones or their governing federation. If this happens to you, please don’t hesitate to contact CSPA and let us know. We can’t help fix the situation if we don’t know of it.
If you have more questions about your insurance coverage, don't hesitate to email [email protected].