Coach 3: Wingsuit
- Coach advanced wingsuit programs
- Conduct first-flight / initiation jumps
- Mentor aspiring Coach 3s
- Be recognized within CSPA (and on website) as a subject matter expert
- Succeed at one recognized wingsuit manufacturer first flight instructor course
- SSE verification that the candidate is a subject matter expert in wingsuit flight with a safety orientated attitude
- DZO or DZSO verification that the candidate is a subject matter expert in wingsuit flight with a safety orientated attitude.
- Submission of Technical Assessment Jump #1 and Jump #2 as per C3 – WS Portfolio OR Participate in two judged events or competitions (e.g. Nationals, Provincials, acrobatics or performance competitions)
- Coach 2 certified
- Minimum 100 wingsuit flights
- Verification by DZSO of safety-orientated attitude
- Final Exam (coaching & teaching)
Currency Requirements
- Coach at least 5 candidates (1:1 or in seminars)
- 25 wingsuit flights in previous 12 months.